Join Laura (Owner, Gardener and Florist of Humble Bouquet) to create with beautiful, seasonal flowers. You will learn design basics and practical mechanics for making your very own seasonal garden arrangements.
You will create your own floral arrangement out of a variety of locally-grown flowers and foliage, which you can take home afterward. Vessel, local flowers, flower snips, and some yummy local refreshments are included. Please include any food allergies/preferences in order notes and I will do my best to accommodate. These workshops are designed for a beginning to intermediate level, but all levels of floral design experience are welcome to join. Ages 13+
Late Summer Floral Display Pieces: We will create upright large arrangements in large plant pots and sustainable flower mechanics that you can reuse. These arrangements will feature dahlias, zinnias, cosmos, sunflowers, yarrow, delphinium, mint, phlox, rudbeckia, calendula, honeysuckle, amaranth, orach, starflower statice, pincushion flowers, nicontia, and tweedia as well as other local, seasonal foliage and flowers. You will be able to choose from a large selection of local flowers in a rainbow of colors to create your unique design.
Date: Sunday, September 8th
Time: 3-5pm
Location: Evergreen Gardens – 698 W Pole Rd, Ferndale, WA 98248
Event link: