Business Energy Efficiency—How does it work?

The Community Energy Challenge makes achieving business energy efficiency as easy as possible from start to finish. We provide you with a full commercial energy audit, a comprehensive report detailing business energy saving opportunities, ongoing technical support and project facilitation, and access to exclusive financial incentives. Learn more about how the energy saving services of the Community Energy Challenge can be put to work for you and sign up today!

1. Sign up for a commercial energy audit

One of our Energy Advisors will perform a walk-through commercial energy audit and examine all major appliances and building systems, the building envelope, and operational practices to identify business energy saving opportunities. Grant funding allows us to offer our energy saving services at a substantially subsidized rate. To participate, businesses pay a one-time fee prior to the commercial energy audit (discounts are available for non-profits).

2. Receive a customized Commercial Energy Audit Report

The report outlines quick fixes (no-cost and low-cost solutions), as well as long-term business energy saving opportunities for your building. This report will help you prioritize business energy efficiency measures by quantifying how much they will save/cost, and help you work through the next steps with information about resources and financial incentives to help you complete projects.

3. Choose cost-effective, business energy-saving projects

The Community Energy Challenge can help you interpret and implement any of the recommendations in your commercial energy audit, as well as provide project management services for bigger projects. Common recommendations identified during commercial energy audits include efficiency improvements to lighting, HVAC systems, and the building envelope, as well as renewable energy projects.

4. Access incentives for your business energy efficiency project

Community Energy Challenge participants have access to exclusive financial incentives of up to $5,000 per site, based on energy savings. Each participating business is eligible for a $1,000 budget to be put toward “quick fix” business energy efficiency projects, such as screw-in LED lighting, low-flow faucet aerators, power strips, and more. We will also help you identify and apply for existing utility rebates for your projects.

5. Continued support and recognition!

After your commercial energy audit, the Community Energy Challenge will continue to be a resource for technical support as you implement your business energy-saving measures. We will provide annual check-ins to make sure we stay up to date with your progress, and make you aware of new offerings that are relevant to your business energy efficiency goals. As a Community Energy Challenge participant, you will also receive promotional materials for your business and recognition as part of our community-wide energy efficiency campaign.


Many Thanks To Our Energy & Green Building PROGRAM Funders and Sponsors!


Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union
Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union
Truly Electric & Solar
Instinct Builders
Ecotech Solar
CAZ Construction
Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union
Bellingham Bay Builders
Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union

The Community Energy Challenge is a joint project between Sustainable Connections and the Opportunity Council

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