Whatcom Events is pleased to announce that registration for the 46th Annual Ski to Sea Race is open. The big race is Sunday May 27th, 2018. Teams that register and are paid in full prior to February 14th will be placed in a drawing and one winning team will receive Ski to Sea Hoodies for their entire team. Note: the team captain can pay for the team even if each leg is yet to be assigned.
We would also like to remind you of the change we made to the race for 2018 of allowing racers to participate in multiple legs (with a maximum of three legs per individual). Teams will consist of a minimum of three racers and a maximum of eight racers. Individuals may compete in up to three legs for one team or multiple teams. Details are on the Race Guide at skitosea.com.
We are bringing back the Top Gun Awards in 2018. The top female and top male finishers of each leg will receive a medal and a $100 gift card courtesy of our generous Sponsor, Fred Meyer. Top Gun Awards will be announced on Tuesday, May 29th and racers will be contacted individually. For the Top Gun award in the canoe leg, the award will go to the first finishers that have two female and two male paddlers, respectively.
Last year, we began an annual tradition of awarding one free community team to a local non-profit organization. Teams that would like to bring awareness to a local non-profit or charitable organization, should contact anna@skitosea.com for a community team request form. Submissions are due by February 16th and we will notify the lucky 2018 community team by February 23rd.
Lastly, Whatcom Events would like to welcome our new Board President Mark Lee. Mark has served on our Race Committee for three years and has participated in Ski to Sea Race numerous times. More information about Mark and the other six members of our Board of Directors can be found on our website, whatcomevents.org/board-of-directors
We are looking forward to a successful event in 2018. Please contact me if you’d like to discuss any items included in this press release in greater detail.
More info at http://skitosea.com/
Anna Rankin, Race Director, Whatcom Events, Phone 360-746-8861, anna@skitosea.com
The Ski to Sea Race is owned and operated by Whatcom Events, a volunteer-operated and community-driven 501(c)(4) organization.