We would value your participation in a discussion with our team and other local, regional, and national business leaders about what sustainability looks like for businesses in our region and beyond. Major events like COVID-19 and recent extreme weather events are intricately connected with holistic sustainability. Building resilient businesses and communities is more important than ever as we recover and learn from these challenges.
Peak sustainability consultants will give a short presentation and answer questions about the business case for sustainability, key terms and frameworks that businesses should know, and the services our team offers to clients – along with examples of past and current projects. They will then lead a conversation between all participants on the merits and challenges of working to become a sustainable business. We hope that you can participate!
Register for the webinar here (required): https://teams.microsoft.com/registration/euNyGYLfEEWLrl7KNGO24Q,NTR_bMUHFU2R598TaF0H9w,0e7Exo35aUuj3EKbvwALjg,lmbLlRLts0OQgNCpYQJNOQ,q6V4k81fpEWY56e596y8vA,-_xOcO7vEEatMBRpiUlBgg?mode=read&tenantId=1972e37a-df82-4510-8bae-5eca3463b6e1
Meeting link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZmNlNWEwZWQtMzY2MC00NzQ4LWJhY2ItNzdkYTRmMmM4MTQw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%221972e37a-df82-4510-8bae-5eca3463b6e1%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%229ec87006-b97a-4fe6-bfb5-f0bc59c56a37%22%7d
You should be able to use the meeting link above to automatically open the meeting in your browser. Please email jessa@peaksustainability.com if these links aren’t working for you.