Have you ever wondered what happens to your comingled recyclables when the bin leaves the site? Have you brought construction recycling to RDS only to have it whisked “away”?
Join Sustainable Connections as we take a deeper look at construction waste recycling and tour the RDS construction recycling sort line and visit Whatcom County’s deconstruction and salvage resource, The ReStore. This tour will help participants understand the market for commodities, how their actions affect the process and strategies for a successful recycling program for your jobsite.
RSVP required, Free
1pm- meet at the ReStore: First line of defense- deconstruction and salvage.
1:45- leave for RDS
2:00- RDS Tour; inside look at sort line
3:00- leave for Itek
3:15- Itek Renovation by Faber; strategies for success. For the jobsite and design of facility
3:45- leave for REStore
4:00-4:30 Salvage Social; Introduce Toolkit and pledge
RE Freshments served at The RE Store to close out the tour. Hope you can join us!
The RE Store2309 Meridian Street, Bellingham, WA 98225, Bellingham, WA, 98225