Come for the networking, leave with experience!
Hear from local business owners and experts on relevant topics to utilize in your everyday work. Half speed networking half presentation.
Wednesday, April 3rd 12:00-1:15pm
How To Start Your Own Job Training Program
Turn your workplace into a training ground for tomorrow’s future business owners! Meet staff from The RE Store to learn about their Job Training Program and how to get a similar program started at your workplace. Hear about opportunities for non-profits and for-profit businesses and learn more about why workplace training is key to building a strong community from within.
Delicious local lunch, coffee and tea provided by
This networking is FREE for members, and just $10 for non-members.
Bring your reusable mugs and water bottles.
Questions? Email us or call (360) 647-7093 x106
Sustainable Connections1701 Ellis Street #221, Bellingham, WA 98225, Bellingham, WA, 98225