Most of us have fleeting ideas of what we want to be, do or have in our lives. But most of the time these ideas remain fleeting. (I mean, who has the time to intentionally get clear about what you want to create in your life?)

Everyone from Katy Perry to Ellen Degeneres to Oprah Winfrey swears that they intentionally created outcomes by using a simple tool: Vision Boards. A Vision Board is a way to sell your own ideas to yourself, to anchor to your dreams and to allow the magic of manifestation to work in your life. Finally!

As someone who has made my own Vision Boards (and manifested some amazing results!), I’ve learned it’s more than just slapping a picture onto a poster board. It’s about first getting clear on the life you want, letting go of what’s in the way – and then clearly connecting with your dreams while designing a vision that calls to you.

That’s why I’m leading this one-time-only CREATE YOUR BEST LIFE VISION-BOARD WORKSHOP…to give you the space you need to intentionally define your dreams and create a Vision Board that will effortlessly attract your ideal outcomes to you!

– Clarity on what you really want (No more settling for someone else’s dreams)
– Space and time to map out ideal outcomes & goals in different areas of your life
– Connection with like-minded peers (No Negative Nellies permitted!)
– A method to clean out the “gunk” that comes up (Time to let go!)
– All the tools and time to create your own powerful Vision Board (You don’t have to bring a thing. I’ve got all the materials you’ll need right in the room!)
– Your very own Vision Board to take home and effortlessly attract your ideal outcomes in the year ahead
– 3+ hours of breathing room and dream-time. (That thing you keep telling yourself you’ll give yourself but never do!)
– Light snacks and beverages

What to bring:
– Come with an open mind and a positive attitude
– Bring your favorite writing implement and journal if you’d like to take notes
– Feel free to bring your dinner or place an order for delivery at Prime through Guud Bowls* (be sure to place your order by 3pm on 12/30/19)

Note: To create a more intimate evening where powerful insights and awarenesses can happen for the group, this workshop has been intentionally kept small. Registration is limited to the first 15 participants who sign up.

This vision board session has been intentionally planned before the new year to head into 2020 with more inspiration, clarity, and momentum than ever before.

Coach Erica Quam spent 15 years in Division 1 Athletics helping her athletes set and achieve their goals – both in and out of the pool. Now she works directly with coaches and teams. Tap into her 20+ years of experience motivating coaches, athletes, and teams.

Do you have more questions about this workshop? Send Erica an email:

Please register at:

Prime Sports Institute
1704 N. State Street, Bellingham, WA, 98225