What will it take to build an organic fruit market west of the Cascades, and what’s on the horizon for organic management across orchards and vineyards? Cloud Mountain Farm Center will host regional experts, new growers, processors, buyers, and more for a field day exploring varieties, training systems, marketing, and production. Whether you’re thinking about your first acre or expanding existing ground, join local orchardists and researchers for tours, talks & conversation. No cost, but RSVP is required. Register here.
July 17 Field Day Speakers
- Molly McIlquham, WSU NWREC: Soil health metrics, or what do we mean when we talk about soil health? Translating east side vineyard management to western Washington
- Josh Milnes, WSDA Plant Protection: Apple Maggot research and what’s next on the invasive horizon
- Jacob Mills and Maia Binhammer, Cloud Mountain Farm Center: Integrated pest management for organic production at all scales
- Local fruit grower round-table discussion: Mauricio Soto, Arado Farms (organic berries), Dave Klawer, Alma Cider (cider orchards), and Martha Smith, Winding Road Farm (diversified orchard and vineyard): business development and orchard establishment decision-making.
- Whatcom Conservation District staff will also share full farm planning and land stewardship resources available at no cost to Whatcom County farms and landowners