Celebrate Make A Difference Day and Arbor Day with the City of Bellingham and Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association (NSEA) by helping to improve salmon habitat at Whatcom Falls Park! We will be planting trees and shrubs and removing invasive species near Derby Pond!
All ages, abilities, and experience levels welcome. Unaccompanied youth under age 18 must provide a City & NSEA Youth Liability Release Form signed by their legal guardian. Participants under age 14 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. This event will conclude with free pizza donated by Papa John’s and closing remarks from Bellingham Mayor Seth Fleetwood.
You need: Weather-appropriate clothing, long pants, closed-toe shoes, and a full water bottle.
We provide: Tools, gloves, instruction, and light refreshments, including free Tony’s coffee and Papa John’s pizza, which were both generously donated for this event.
Our volunteer work parties follow current health department guidelines. Additional information and reminders will be emailed to registered participants. If you sign up, please show up!
Register early. Space is limited!
Whatcom Falls Park1401 Electric Ave, Bellingham, WA, 98229