Get Sustainable, Think Local & Win
We’re hosting a social media contest to celebrate Earth Day 2018.
April 16th-April 23rd
Snap a photo or take a video of you doing one of the sustainable practices below this week to be entered to win The Ultimate Earth Friendly Prize Pack.
Be sure to use the hashtag when you post on Facebook or Instagram so we can track your entry.
Over Achievers Welcome!
Increase your chances of winning The Ultimate Earth Friendly Prize Pack If you either. . .
A) Complete and document yourself doing all 5 of these sustainable tasks this week, 1 entry per post.
B) Fit all these sustainable practices into one picture or video, worth 5 entries.
1) Get Your Garden On
Go play in the dirt this week and celebrate the planet we live on! If you need some inspiration we’ve listed a few ways to get your garden on.
Plant a native plant or tree in your yard
Find a local nursery or garden store featuring native plant species
Participate in a restoration work party
- Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association
- Whatcom Conservation District
- Washington Trails Association
- Whatcom Mountain Bike Coalition
Donate to virtually plant a tree in a forest around the world
2) Raise Your Recycling Game
Reduce, reuse and recycle. When you find new life for old things it means less materials going into landfills. Here are few intermediate recycling tips beyond your regular paper, plastic, cans and glass.
Recycle old electronics
Schedule a pick up or drop off at these locations Sanitary Service Company, Safe & Easy Recycling, or Alrite Recycling
Donate or drop off for recycling at Value Village, Goodwill, Salvation Army
Properly dispose of toxic chemicals
Drop off empty or almost empty containers of items like automotive products, cleaners, paint products, lawn and garden chemicals, or used oil and fuels at Whatcom County Disposal of Toxics Facility
Recycle your printer ink cartridges
Drop off cartridges at a local office supply store, the Community Food Co-op or at ALRITE Recycling Corp.
3) Take A Smart Trip
Reduce your carbon footprint, limiting your use of transportation that uses fuel is definitely earth friendly. Here are some ways to try it out this week
3) Grab A Local Beverage With Friends
Because buying from locally owned businesses is earth friendly! It means less transportation and fuel emissions, most local businesses are transportation or walking friendly, your dollars make for more local decision making power and your money goes toward public services like roadside clean up, transportation, food programs and so many other good things.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be a beverage, we’ll accept local meals and entertainment with friends too 😉 Need Some Inspiration? Not limited to these suggestions!
Find Local Coffee & Tea Shops & Suppliers
Find Locally owned Beer, Wine, Kombucha & Spirit makers and tasting rooms
5) Buy In Bulk
Purchasing certain items like coffee, grains, granola, spices, oils and cleaners means less packaging and therefore less waste.
Find great bulk sections at locally owned grocery stores & markets
Community Food Co-op, TERRA Organic & Natural Foods, and Bellingham Farmers Market
Not locally owned, but other options for bulk foods sections
Haggen and Whole Foods Market