Bellingham Youth Climate Strike
On September 20, local youth will lead a strike for climate change in Downtown Bellingham.
The goals of the strike are: 1) support the Bellingham resolution that requests a 100% renewable-energy target for the city; 2) protect Cherry Point from further development or expansion with a moratorium on fossil fuel development; and 3) promote the Lummi Nation’s efforts to protect the Salish Sea.
To show your support, join the strike for at least five minutes between noon and 2PM — this will coincide with the start of the Youth Climate Strike march. Other ways to support this event, its goals, and the youth of Bellingham, are to wear green on September 20 or share information from the Facebook event page among friends and colleagues. Help support our youth as they lead a movement to save our planet!
Take a look at the Facebook event page for more details:
City Hall210 Lottie Street, Bellingham, WA, 98225