Tuesday, May 18, 2021
10 AM – 11:30 AM
Free Event Via Zoom
Click to go to the Zoom Mixer!
Make Connections & Get Support
In normal times we’d be rolling up the garage door to welcome you all in for one of our most-loved events, a true Spring mixer! We hope we can host our Fall mixer in person, but, for now, we are teaming up with our friends at Bellingham Whatcom County Tourism again to virtually connect more members of our local food community and strengthen our support efforts. The goal of this event is to help you foster old relationships with your foodie pals, as well as create new ones as seasons and plans shift.
- Do you have promotions coming up you want to share? Looking for new ways to innovate and cross-promote?
- Want to know what products restaurants are seeking? Want to know what is seasonal and available for purchase from your local farms and food producers?
- Bring your voice and needs to the table – as Sustainable Connections and Bellingham Whatcom County Tourism plan strategically to support you as we emerge from the pandemic, we want to hear how we can best be of service.
- Bring your ideas about what Eat Local Month Could look like this year, and how you’d like to participate
- Get some time to talk to the Tourism team about the Restaurant Revitalization Fund, COVID safety updates, and more opportunities for support and promotion.
No Need to RSVP – Just Join us at 10AM