Join us upstairs at the Prime Sports Institute for a FREE talk with Heidi Strickler, RDN.

Did you know?

75% of athletes report at least one moderate-to-serious injury a year?
… and injury rates are continuing to increase as more of the population is getting more active …

Are you currently injured or awaiting surgery?
Do you get injured more than your friends, teammates, or training partners?

Frequent injuries can be a sign of one, or several, imbalances. Poor nutrition can increase your likelihood for injury, and slow your rate of recovery. Intrigued?

Come listen to Heidi Strickler, Registered Sport Dietitian at Prime Sports Institute, share how the right nutrition can:

– Decrease your likelihood of getting injured,
– Help you prepare for, and recover from, surgery,
– Speed up your healing process after an injury,

… And,

– How different types of injuries, and how long ago the injury happened, can change your nutrition approach for healing.

Have questions?
Want to take your health and performance to the next level?
Then treat yourself in 2020: Don’t be another injury statistic.

For questions or more information, email Heidi at

RSVP to save your spot!

Prime Sports Institute
1704 N. State Street, Bellingham, WA, 98225