Owner of the Prime Sports Institute, Kerry Gustafson, will share critical components to recovery and simple ways to implement recovery strategies this year.
Part 6 in the 12-part series: Warm-up
How do YOU warm-up for training, racing, and your activity?
In this talk you will:
– Learn specific exercises to add to your warm-up
– Dial in your warm-up routine to improve range of motion
– Learn how a good warm-up can prevent future injury
There will be time for Q&A so you can ask about recovery hacks, dispel myths, and bring up any other questions you have.
This is FREE in our event space upstairs. Please RSVP to let us know you’re coming!
Stick around after the talk to tour the facility, try on a pair of NormaTec compression boots, & chat with friends!
P.S. — You don’t have to have come to any of the other talks in the series to attend this one!
Prime Sports Institute1704 N. State Street, Bellingham, WA, 98225