Strategies for Recovery with Kerry Gustafson

Part 9 of the 12-Part Series: Roll It Out

Owner of the Prime Sports Institute, Kerry Gustafson, will share critical components to recovery and simple ways of implementing them this year.

Kerry will take you through the research behind foam-rolling, trigger point release tools, and new vibrating rollers. You will learn: How do these work on my body? How long do I use them? When do I use specific tools and techniques? Should I use them before or after my workout / race / game?

There will be time for Q&A to share recovery hacks, dispel myths, and more! Stick around after the talk to tour the facility, try on a pair of NormaTec compression boots, and chat with friends!

This is a FREE event in the upstairs event space. RSVPs encouraged!

Learn more on our Facebook event page:

P.S. You don’t have to have attended any of the other talks in the series to attend this one!


Prime Sports Institute
1704 N. State Street, Bellingham, WA, 98225