Foothills Naturopathic Health Clinic

(360) 564-7887

Dr. Kelley Garrison is a licensed naturopath practicing here in Bellingham. She works with patients to get a better understanding of their full health history, their emotional/mental wellbeing, and their individual needs and expectations to collaboratively customize a treatment plan that helps them to achieve their health goals and cultivates a greater sense of well-being. Conditions she commonly works with include: gastrointestinal conditions, anxiety, increased stress, hormonal health, general health, healthy aging, fatigue, and inflammation. She blends natural medicine with conventional medicine using modalities such as herbal medicine, nutrition, lifestyle, manual therapy, biofeedback, mind body medicine, supplements, and pharmaceuticals to best support a patient’s health while also paying attention to their individual preferences and needs.


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Sales Methods: Services

Neighborhood: Bellingham: Samish

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