Toward Zero Waste for Residents

Single-Family Residents

Single Stream Recycling

All recyclable materials go into one
large tote for easier recycling. Items
must be empty, clean, and dry to avoid
contamination and ensure that they
get recycled. Recycling is an easy way
to reduce waste, conserve resources,
and protect the environment.

Why Compost

Composting is an important way to
minimize food waste, divert organics
from landfills, and help decrease our
collective climate footprint. Organic
waste is taken to Green Earth
Technology in Lynden, WA to be
converted into useable, sellable
compost product.

Last Stop Landfill

Unfortunately, not everything can be recycled or composted. Keeping our recycling and composting streams free from contamination is essential to ensure they can be properly recycled and repurposed. Unsure how to dispose of something? Check out WasteWise, an online waste and recycling portal.

Live in a Bellingham single-family home? Learn about changes to your recycling and waste collection services.

(Korean Translation)

(Spanish Translation)

(Mandarin Translation)

Bellingham Single-family SSC Service Rates


Properly using Foodplus! Compost can help reduce landfill pickups and save money. Check out the rates below to see your potential savings!

* Figures above do not include taxes and fees. SSC bills every other month, so your statement will reflect two months of service. Residential rates are subject to change and are different in all jurisdictions (Bellingham, Ferndale, unincorporated Whatcom County). Customers will need to check with SSC to get exact rates for their area.  

Multifamily Residents

Are you a resident, owner, or property manager of a multifamily dwelling?  We have resources to help streamline and improve waste sorting for your complex.  See below for a free downloadable and printable sorting guide and waste sorting posters.

(Korean Translation)

(Spanish Translation)

(Mandarin Translation)

Resources to help add FoodPlus!

Are you a resident of a multifamily complex? Do you want access to FoodPlus! curbside composting but are struggling with where to start? Lucky for you Western Washington University’s Center for Off Campus Living has put together great waste stream resources. This includes a template letter for property managers on this very topic! This template could work for all residents, not just students.

Additional Resources

Got Bags?

Bagging your compost can help reduce mess, odors, and pests. While bags are not required, if you choose to use them, please ensure they are certified compostable. Alternatively, you can use paper bags or line your indoor compost bin with newspaper.

Waste Sorting Posters

Proper Waste Sorting in Bellingham | A Sustainable Connections x LiveBellinghamNow Special


Thank you to our partners:


Whatcom County Health and Community Services logo


This material is funded through a grant from the Washington Department of Ecology.  


Thank you to our program sponsors:

Lautenbach Industries
Sanitary Service Company
Mt. Baker Care Center & Summit Place Assisted Living