Raven Breads LogoRaven Breads is a small, artisan bakery in Bellingham, WA, making whole grain, sourdough bread & pastries with organic ingredients grown and gathered (with a few tropical exceptions) in the Pacific Northwest. The selection changes from week to week, depending on the season and the baker’s whims. To keep tabs on Raven Breads, visit Sophie at the Bellingham Farmers Market or sign up for the newsletter.

Here at Sustainable Connections, we recently signed on to the Raven Breads weekly winter bread subscription and boy am I glad we did (so is my family). I am a sucker for tasty, hearty, and rustic bread, and I have been more than pleased with the offering so far. I find myself particularly enamored with the Rosemary Sea Salt loaf, and it paired perfectly with my wife’s homemade and delectable corn chicken chowder!

A word from the Baker Herself – “That’s me! I came to baking sideways, through farming, ecology, and a fascination with food systems and fermentation. I build recipes, mix dough, bake, market, and occasionally remember to catch up on bookkeeping, social media, and sleep. I love that there’s always something new to learn in this business, even if that learning is often built on missteps and small disasters. But more importantly, I love making flavor-dense, ingredient-inspired bread and pastry that’s as satisfying for you to eat as it is for me to dream up.”

Raven Breads also engages in a number of sustainable practices including operating out of a Toward Zero Waste commercial kitchen, purchasing local ingredients, and using alternative transportation whenever possible. Sophie regularly does all her deliveries on bike and also packs the bike and its trailer for her farmers market vending days! We are so proud to have Raven Breads as a member of Sustainable Connections.

Find Raven Breads, and all their contact information in our Local Business Directory!

raven breads

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