don’t let good food go to waste
Sometimes we’ve cached away one too many cans of spaghetti sauce and we just can’t bear making it yet again! Donate foods that are still good to families in need through one of the many local hunger relief agencies instead of letting it go to waste.
In fact, if 500 people donated just 3lbs. of food once a quarter (that’s about three cans), it would be enough to make 5,000 meals – feeding 35 families per month.

best items to donate
Items near expiration that are nutrient dense and shelf stable
- Proteins: canned tuna, chicken, and salmon
- Whole grain boxed cereal
- Nut butters
- Shelf stable milk products
Avoid donating sodas, sweets, and snacks. These are already donated in large amounts by commercial businesses and hunger relief agencies have an overabundance.

prepared foods
Except for baked goods like bread, cookies, and pies, hunger relief agencies cannot accept food prepared in a home kitchen. Instead, prepared foods for donation should be created in either a hunger relief agency kitchen or a commercial food business kitchen, like a restaurant.
local hunger relief agencies
Bellingham Food Bank
1824 Ellis St.
Mon & Fri: 11:30 AM-3:00 PM, Wed: 1:00-6:00 PM
Nooksack tribal food bank
2515 Sulwhanon Dr.
pledge to squatch food waste.
We can each do a little to help! We have a goal of gathering 500 pledges from the community. Together, we’ll go a long way towards squatching food waste.
Choose one of three pledges, or pick them all! Start meal planning, create an ‘eat first’ section in your fridge, or donate soon-to-expire foods to a local hunger relief agency.
Thank you to our sustainable business development sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
The Squatch Waste Campiagn is also funded through a grant from the Department of Ecology.