make food last longer
The number one reason we throw away food too soon is because of food safety concerns. Get the facts about food safety and learn how to prepare and store foods to last!

create an ‘eat first’ section in your fridge
Move the foods you should eat right away front and center in the fridge. A simple and easy way to squatch food waste.
pledge to squatch food waste.
We can each do a little to help! We have a goal of gathering 500 pledges from the community. Together, we’ll go a long way towards squatching food waste.
Choose one of three pledges, or pick them all! Start meal planning, create an ‘eat first’ section in your fridge, or donate soon-to-expire foods to a local hunger relief agency.
Thank you to our sustainable business development sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
The Squatch Waste Campaign is also funded through a grant from the Department of Ecology.