Stories about Local Champions

The Local Champions Blog highlights some of the amazing work our community accomplishes and motivates us all to work better together. We are lucky to work with so many champions who are a model for positive behavior change and influence us to go the extra mile. Our local champions are building connections within the community every day. Filter our stories by categories listed below or browse them all. We hope you’re inspired by the local champions in our community, too! 

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Lovitt Restaurant: Relaxed Farm to Table Eating

Lovitt Restaurant: Relaxed Farm to Table Eating

by Alex Smith Think back to a time when you really, truly enjoyed a meal. What were some things that stood out? Maybe a standard ingredient was made from scratch rather than store-bought. Maybe there was a personal connection – ingredients grown by friends or from...

Greenwashing – Stretching the Definition

Greenwashing – Stretching the Definition

Imagine my surprise when yours truly, the supposed Toward Zero Waste expert, fell victim to my own personal definition of “sustainable” leading to my purchase of the wrong product. As we work to reduce food waste and increasingly divert organic material from landfill, contamination is the bane of a commercial composter’s existence.

Goat Mountain Pizza: Committed to Community & Great Pizza!

Goat Mountain Pizza: Committed to Community & Great Pizza!

  Goat Mountain Pizza almost ended up in Brussels and not Bellingham. One of our favorite local pizzerias - famous for their pies fluffy crust, creative toppings, and farm to table ingredients – could have very well been a European hot spot, and not the downtown...

Osprey Hill Farm: A small farm taking big steps toward sustainability

Osprey Hill Farm: A small farm taking big steps toward sustainability

by Alex Smith A paradigm shift occurs when a person or a group of people have a fundamental change in their underlying assumptions about the world. The story of Osprey Hill Farm is one of two paradigm shifts – first, a stunning realization, and later a journey to...