Stories about Local Champions

The Local Champions Blog highlights some of the amazing work our community accomplishes and motivates us all to work better together. We are lucky to work with so many champions who are a model for positive behavior change and influence us to go the extra mile. Our local champions are building connections within the community every day. Filter our stories by categories listed below or browse them all. We hope you’re inspired by the local champions in our community, too! 

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My Housing Story

My Housing Story

Everyone has a housing story. Whether you've told it to many people or you've kept it private, there is likely a story about where you live now and how you got there. Maybe it's a feel good story that you are proud of or maybe it's one you rather wouldn't share. If...

Triple Wren Farms: Fresh, local, beautiful flowers

Triple Wren Farms: Fresh, local, beautiful flowers

  It’s hard to describe how lovely a flower farm in the fall makes you feel. Sitting out in camping chairs directly between rows of exuberant dahlias and towering sunflowers, some at the zenith of their bloom and others that were slowly turning to seed, the air...

Down in the Dumpster

Down in the Dumpster

The end result of our work, when done right is not an new Living Building, solar array or local menu item. Quite the contrary and somewhat paradoxically the result is next to nothing.

Uncork and Unwind with the Vault Wine Bar

Uncork and Unwind with the Vault Wine Bar

  There’s a brand new spot that just opened up in Blaine that we’d like to introduce you too: The Vault Wine Bar. It comes by its name honestly as the building used to be a bank, and the original vault replete with its safe deposit boxes, still occupies a special...

Trashin’ it at Home

Trashin’ it at Home

It has often been said that it is an indelible human tendency to overstate our own self-importance and good deeds. This is not to say that many of us do not do many good things but rather we have tendency to feel we are doing better than we really are. Sometimes it takes a good look around to gauge where we are really at and take stock of what efforts we are making.