Stories about Local Champions

The Local Champions Blog highlights some of the amazing work our community accomplishes and motivates us all to work better together. We are lucky to work with so many champions who are a model for positive behavior change and influence us to go the extra mile. Our local champions are building connections within the community every day. Filter our stories by categories listed below or browse them all. We hope you’re inspired by the local champions in our community, too! 

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Whatcom County’s Art World is Thriving

Whatcom County’s Art World is Thriving

Whatcom County is home to some of the most vibrant artists and art institutions in the world - and yes, we're including Paris and New York in that list! The area's natural beauty, creative lifestyle opportunities, and strong community has given rise to an arts scene...

Local + Natural Self-Care

Local + Natural Self-Care

When we say local and natural beauty, you might imagine the majestic mountains of Whatcom County, or perhaps Bellingham Bay on a particularly sunny winter's day. And you'd be right, but that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about some incredible local...

Flood Relief Resources

Flood Relief Resources

Recent floods in Whatcom County have devastated area farms, homes, and communities. The recovery process is difficult, but as a community we are here to support and uplift one other. Listed below are opportunities to donate, as well as help available for farms and...

Cultivating Community with Marisa Papetti, Honeybee Wrangler

Cultivating Community with Marisa Papetti, Honeybee Wrangler

“She’s as busy as a bee!” It’s a common expression, one that describes a person who loves doing a thousand things at once. And yes, bees are known for their work ethic and the delectable result of their labor - there’s nothing more delicious than a dollop of honey on...

NO on People First Bellingham Initiative #4

NO on People First Bellingham Initiative #4

  Dear Community Members, We all want a thriving community. We know that to build a healthy future for our community and economy we need to work hard and take care of each other, and it is not always easy. We are facing some huge challenges and the People First...