Toward Zero Waste Waste Sorting Signage Resources
Waste Sorting Signage!
Sustainable Connections has printed waste sorting signage available for Towards Zero Waste participants. If you would like to print your own signage, simply click on the images below to download a printable PDF. Contact us if you have questions!
C&D Jobsite Signage
C&D Jobsite Signage
Mural Festival Signage
Toward Zero Waste Toolkits
Food Service Toolkit
Restaurants, caterers, and food truck owners can learn from these guidelines. Contact us for your free waste audit and start reducing waste today!
Event Toolkit
Planning a big outdoor festival or a small indoor gathering? This toolkit is for you!
Contractor Toolkit
Helpful for anyone in the building industry – from small independent contractors to large construction companies trying to reduce their waste.
Public Schools Toolkit
Schools can learn tips and tricks for reducing waste and recycling. We also work with partner organizations to help educate kids in the classroom.
Toward Zero Waste Case Studies
Gardenview Tiny Home Village
Bellingham’s newest waste reduction champions.
Faith Lutheran Church
Serving the community Toward Zero Waste style.
Bellingham Public Schools
Donating 29,000 lbs of food and counting!
Sea Witch Botanicals
All packaging is compostable.
Healthy Pet
Diverted 670 yards of waste in a year.
Chrysalis Inn & Spa
Over 80% of food waste is composted.
April Brews Day
Reduced landfill waste by over 85%
The Leopold
Eliminated all Styrofoam from their kitchen.
Old School Tattoo and Piercing
Properly disposes of all Biohazardous waste.
Good to Go Meat Pies
Diverts over 90% of their waste from landfills.
Mount Baker Care Center
Purchased reusable cups to deliver medications.
Chuckanut 50K Race
Provided reusable stainless steel cups.